08 Jul, 2020. 13:04 hrs

Influencer comparte fotos «al natural» para romper estereotipos de belleza

Danae Mercer es una modelo y periodista, que ha demostrado que quiere: “potenciar el amor propio”.Por eso a través de su cuenta de Instagram @danaemercer

Danae Mercer es una modelo y periodista, que ha demostrado que quiere: “potenciar el amor propio”.

Por eso a través de su cuenta de Instagram @danaemercer, intenta ayudar a sus seguidores con sus consejos de aceptación física.

La chiquilla destaca en sus publicaciones que las personas usan técnicas para mostrarse siempre perfectas en sus fotos y que ocultan lo que consideran defectos, cuando deberían aprender a aceptar sus cuerpos tal cual son.

Danae decidió explicar como la flacidez, las estrías o la celulitis pueden esconderse con una buena iluminación o una postura y ángulo estratégico, dejando en claro el «engaño» que existe detrás de algunas publicaciones.

Como ella compara las imágenes intervenidas con las reales, se aprecia la más absoluta realidad.

«Normalicemos esto. Compartamos las partes de nosotros que son fuertes, feroces y planteadas, y las partes de nosotros que son más suaves, crudas, humanas», dice ella.

¿Qué te parece lo que hace esta chiquilla?


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Let’s normalize this. Let’s share the parts of us that are strong and fierce and posed, and the parts of us that are softer, raw, human. A woman messaged me today saying she bought her very first bikini. She always thought she was too wiggly, too ‘imperfect’, to own one. But today she realized otherwise. That gal went shopping. Every week, women talk to me about shorts. About cellulite on their legs. About dimples in their thighs. And about how, how they CANNOT, cannot wear them. They cannot wear shorts. Only this is changing. THEY are changing. WE are changing. Day by day, second by second, we are switching what’s normal. We are sliding into those shorts, buying those bikinis, speaking our MINDS and our truths, flaunting our brains, being all the wonderful, complex bits that combine together to make WOMEN and WOMAN. This is just one instance, a glimpse. A little photo to remind you of a very, very big thing: You are not DESIGNED to be perfect. Your power lies in all that’s COMPLEX, all that’s NUANCED, all that’s MAGNIFICENT and, yes, all that’s gloriously NORMAL. Like bum dimples. Like insecurities. Like confusions and hopes and great photos and bad moments and laughter and ALL. We’re in this together. Even if it’s just one ‘Instagram and also Instagram’ pic at a time. x #selflove #bodyacceptance #bodyconfidence

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el


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Insta vs Reality / OR changing your BODY does not change your BODY IMAGE. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with being thin. I skipped meals. Memories. Moments. I was convinced if I lost those next 10lbs, if I hit this magical number in my mind, I would feel good. Strong. WORTHY. I was convinced I would be LOVED. And that maybe, just maybe, I would love myself too. But here’s the thing: Shrinking changed NOTHING. Except some number on a scale. Now I am heavier. Older. And I have never felt more confident in my body or in myself. It’s still a work in progress (always, maybe always), but I see my CELLULITE and don’t feel shame. I see my limbs with all their bits in ALL THE LIGHTING and love what they can do for me. And I see my heart, clumsy as it is, stumbling as it is, and I let it be. I let it exist without judgement. So today, I want to remind you something it too me far too long to learn: Changing our APPEARANCE won’t FIX what’s going on INSIDE. We can train and sweat and eat all the greens, but if we don’t solve what’s happening in our hearts or in our heads, those thoughts will remain. Those battles will remain. Whether they are related to how we see our BODIES Or how we view OURSELVES. The work starts inside. In our heads. In our hearts. In the quiet, raw, tender bits of our soul, that sit so fragile and so shy just crying out for love. In all these parts, that’s where the true change happens. And that’s something we can never really share in an insta/reality photo. But we can certainly like all the same. You got this girl. x Photo @chiclebelle who is just a wondrous woman. #selflove #bodyconfident #selflove #iweigh #feminist #mentalhealth #edrecovery

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



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Do you SIT differently in PUBLIC than you do in PRIVATE? I did. For YEARS I did. In public, I would pose. Squeeze. Arch. Tighten. In private, I’d sit comfortably: shoulders relaxed, body loose, just being human. And I imagine that maybe, just maybe, I’m not alone. I read an article once talking about the BEST WAY to POSITION your body on the beach. It was all ‘knees up, core tight, never lay flat’. And if you had extra wiggles and jiggles around the hips and thighs? The article recommended DIGGING A HOLE in the SAND. To put that bum into. So it would, you know, look LESS. As a teen, I did these things. And then, as an adult, I still held myself sucked in or avoided crossing my legs because heaven forbid anyone should see my CELLULITE. Things have CHANGED in this last year. I wish they would have changed so much sooner. So today, I just want to remind you: It is OK to sit comfortably. To RELAX while you’re RELAXING. Perfection isn’t the price you pay to exist in a human body. And comfort is pretty darn incredible. Posing is great fun, but NOT POSING doesn’t make you worth ANY LESS. Even if it means your wobbly bits come out on show. Or your skin folds. Or you’re just, well, YOU. Because being YOU is incredible. And worthy. And powerful. In whatever way, shape, or form. You got this girl. Go sit comfortably. x Photos @chiclebelle who is just the best #selflove #selfacceptance #bodyacceptance #iweigh #feminist

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el



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What would you tell your 13-year-old self? I’d teach me, baby me, that OVER 80% of women have CELLULITE. That stretchmarks are common. That bodies are MEANT to change. That thighs CAN be squishy or strong or soft or come in so many different shapes. And those are just some of the PHYSICAL lessons. The exterior, the wrapping. I’d also tell her about how women must support each other, about how society tells us COMPETITION is the answer but it isn’t, it’s a game designed so we all LOSE; I’d teach her about CONSENT and assault and safety; I’d hug her close and tell her how PERFECTION doesn’t make friends, but vulnerability DOES builds FAMILIES. I’d tell her so much. I’d tell my 30-year-old self these things too. And I suppose that’s what I hope we can do on here: Together, clumsy and messy as we are, we can REWRITE the rules. We can HAVE these CONVERSATIONS. Not just for the little girls we ONCE WERE, but for the WOMEN we now are. We can REMEMBER and LEARN and RELEARN these delicate, nuanced lessons. About our BODIES, and how our BODIES are so wonderfully NORMAL, even if we have been told for so long that they are FLAWED. About our PERSONALITIES. About our HEARTS. About US. Together. Together we can fight for this CHANGE. Whether it’s one wiggly jiggly bum selfie, Or one authentic moment with a stranger talking across a screen. Bit by bit Moment by moment Women EMPOWERING WOMEN One step at a time. x #selflove #feminist #bodyacceptance #womenirl #meufparis

Una publicación compartida de Danae Mercer (@danaemercer) el

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