
Dwayne Johnson terminó de modificar su tatuaje más famoso

Radioactiva |

En agosto pasado el destacado actor compartió con sus seguidores la «evolución» de uno de sus tatuajes característicos que llevó desde 1998 el «toro de Brahma» .

Evolution of the bull. Blood, sweat & years. After 3 sessions and 22hrs of tattooing with world renowned @NikkoHurtado, the story’s almost done.. Every detail is a reflection of my own personal history. From the cracks and heavy damage in the bone representing life’s hard lessons I’ve learned over the years. Just like scars and wrinkles – I’m so grateful to have ‘em because they’re earned. To the horns, not pointing up or out to the side, but pointing straight ahead representing relentless energy and forward progress. The core and anchor of this image is in the eye. Look closely and you’ll find the life, energy, power and you’ll feel the MANA (spirit). The eye tells the story of a disruptive positive energy always ready to dent the universe. Depending on the light and angle, sometimes the energy’s subtle and sometimes it’s glaring. But it’s always alive and ready to disrupt the universe and love and protect my family and all things I love with intense passion and gratitude. Cheers to living, learning, evolving and growing. And to the positive disrupters ready to dent the universe. #EvolutionOfTheBull #TheDisrupter #TheMana #NowLetsBreakOutTheTequila

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el






En ese entonces «La Roca» publicó una imagen como resultado de su tercera sesión y 22 horas de trabajo. Pero ahora quiso compartir con sus fans el trabajo final con su cuarta sesión y de esta forma dejar en el pasado la icónica figura.

«La historia de mi calavera está completa» . «Los cuernos apuntan hacia adelante, representando el progreso. El ojo es el espíritu y el poder. Es de donde saco mi fuerza por todas las cosas que amo y protejo», es parte de lo que escribió en la publicación.


After approximately 30 hours of tattooing (4 sessions) with my good bud and iconic artist @nikkohurtado, the story of my skull is complete. Flow of positive energy is constant thru the breathe of life. Horns always positioned forward. Not up, but forward – representing forward progress and always at the ready to dig in and dig deep. Eye is the mana – the spirit and the power. It’s everything. It’s where I draw my strength from all things I love and protect. As with my Polynesian tattoo on the left side of body, the symbolic mana lays over my heart. We all have mana. Our strength. You just have to find it. #BullDNA #Energy #Progress #Mana

Una publicación compartida de therock (@therock) el


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